Ministry of Health
Decree authorization Production
n. 08/2023/V date 05.10.2023
Ministry of Health – GMP
Certified of compliance
of the rules of good Producer
n. NBF/67/2023/V date 15.06.2022
Approval Number
Released by Region Emilia Romagna
Production and packing of solid and liquid additives.
Certificate n.: 129150-2013-AFSMS-ITA-FAMI-QS.
Authority CERTIFICATION: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Production of premixes and composed feeds.
n. 129080-2013-AFSMS-ITA-GMP+/GMP006904
Certifying body: DNV – Det Norske Veritas
Inspection body for organic products authorised by MIPAAFT.
Inspection certificate according to EC Regulation N. 834/2007 for the activity of: Exclusive processor with N. IT BIO 009 CX/DG 04641.
Certifying body: CCPB srl
HALAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES: established 22 years ago, Halal Certification Services (HCS) is a Swiss provider of Halal assessment, auditing and training services enabling Muslisms to have access to certified Halal and Tayyib (good) products in compliance with the Islamic dietary requirements. HCS is a renowned and repected cody officially recognized all over the world.
Nowadays, Halal Certification represents a fundamental requirement for products marketing both in Islamic countries and within the large international retail chains. Chemifarma has decided to meet this new requirement by getting Halal Certification.