It was 1976, when Iliano Romagnoli, after having carefully analysed the production scenario in the Forlì and Romagna area, selected the poultry and rabbit industry as the most active and expanding sector and decided to found Chemifarma S.p.A., a pharmaceutical company specialised in drugs and feed supplements for animals. It took a few years […]
Archive for the ‘COMPANY’ Category
August 21st, 2012 admin
The goal Iliano Romagnoli aimed at when he founded the company was to provide an adequate response to the veterinary drug market needs which, today and in the past, are not any different from the other industries: efficiency, quality production and market reputation. In order to […]
July 21st, 2012 admin
The key areas on which Chemifarma has focused its activities: Medicinal products for Veterinary Therapy: production of veterinary medicinal products for the control, treatment and prevention of diseases in farm animals and pets. Animal Nutrition Products: production of vitamin-based supplements with special nutritional purposes, premixes to support the feed industry for the different nutritional requirements […]